How KFTD Facilitates Complaints of Bribery and Corruption through Whistleblowing System

Covering the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles, the Blowing System (WBS) facilitates complaints and reports of any alleged issues, like bribery and violations, in PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD). The system is designed to encourage reporters to file these violations through email, WhatsApp numbers, or official letters. Here are the details.

Email             :  [email protected] 

WhatsApp    :  081313138812

Official Letter :  Subunit Compliance Unit Manajemen Risiko

                          PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution

                          Jl. Budi Utomo No. 1, Jakarta Pusat 10710

All steps in the report system follow the procedure managed by the team thoroughly.

Report Procedure through Whistle Blowing System (WBS)

The procedure of WBS designed by KFTD follows the steps below.

  1. Alleged violations, including bribery and corruption, in KFTD are identified.
  2. The reporter fills in the report with the specified format through WBS to the Super Admin. The reporter is allowed to leave the name column blank or not.
  3. The report file is sent by provided email, WhatsApp number, or official letter.
  4. The Super Admin thoroughly examines the report based on the evidence given. They regularly report any cases collected through WBS to the Ethics Committee.
  5. If the case is not qualified or there is not enough proof, the information in the report is closed. If the case is qualified, it is proceeded to the investigation team.
  6. If necessary, the team runs an investigation and summons witnesses relevant to the case.
  7. The reported individual is given a right to dispute, elaborate, and provide evidence.
  8. The board, the investigation team, and the final breaker team generate decisions upon the investigation.
  9. If it is not proven, the accused name is cleared. If proven to be a minor offense, a sanction is given upon violating the discipline acts. If it is proven to be a major offense, a sanction is given based on the directors’ decree.

As part of Kimia Farma Group, KFTD has attempted to diminish any legal issues, like bribery and corruption, and WBS supports the action by facilitating reports of these issues to help the company remain transparent and accountable.