What Are the KFTD’s Actions Against Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism?

Corruption, collusion, and nepotism (CCN) have always been the “unholy trinity” in all walks of life, including the pharmaceutical distribution industry. Although these practices are common worldwide, Indonesia is still the most haunted country. KFTD, as part of the Kimia Farma Group, has consistently prevented CCN.

To realize the company’s commitment to upholding the values of Anti-Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism, KFTD has been implementing an Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP).

In detail, here are KFTD’s steps in preventing corruption, collusion, and nepotism in their company:

How KFTD Prevent Corruption

There have been plenty of approaches taken by KFTD to tackle corruption. The first is to implement an Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP). 

How KFTD Prevent Collusion

Acts that violate any laws will certainly harm many people around them. The same is true of collusion, cooperation, or an evil conspiracy between two or more people against the law to gain personal or group benefits. The agreement is not just based on an exchange of words but also on money.

Anti-Bribery  Management System (SMAP) and LHKPN are also used to prevent collusion in KFTD. All employees in Kimia Farma Group are encouraged and urged to report any suspicious misconduct in the company, such as a business transaction that is against the law or appears to be a graft.

How KFTD Prevent Nepotism

Unsurprisingly, many people will go to desperate measures to gain personal benefits. In business, they may use their influence to favor relatives, friends, and associates by handing them jobs.

However, that is not the case with KFTD. To prevent nepotism, KFTD holds job openings for all interested participants. The recruitment is done as fairly as possible.